alexa demarco

i am a multimedia artist with a focus on glass since 2019. productofi is the channel in which my energy is expressed into the physical realm. to exist is to create. we are a product of our environment & our environment is a product of us.

my roots in glass stem from the awe and wonder of cannabis & the pieces associated with it. the instinct within me to shape life into my greatest desires drove me to seek out a mentor, sugarmattys, to whom i'm ever so grateful to for sharing the wisdom of glassblowing with me. after attending a furnace/lampwork class in my one year of art school (i've been on a gap year for the past 3 years...), i worked production at his shop while simultaneously building what productofi is today.

now, the ability to create in a way that brings people great joy and connection guides me as i move forward. i am currently a shapeshifter, movement addict, permaculture enthusiast, piercee, chef, emt, reader, hiker, kinkster, stylist, traveler, glassworker, gravity bender, healer, creator, questioner, eternal student & lover, among many other things.

thank you deeply for your support in my journey to create the best self i am capable of.

personal instagram